- You can expect your order to be shipped within 1 to 5 business days. For U.S. orders, delivery will take 7 to 20 business days, while international shipments may take 10 to 25 business days.
Still within 5 business days from the order date.
- Orders typically ship within 1 to 5 business days from your order date. If it is shipped out ahead of schedule, you will receive an email confirming your shipment along with the tracking number at the email address you submitted.
- If your tracking number is not in your inbox by the 5th business day, please look in your Junk or Spam folders.
- If you didn’t receive the email, please email us through our Contact Form page so we can check.
Beyond 5 business days from the order date.
- If your order hasn’t shipped by the 6th business day, you can be assured that our dedicated Team is on top of this delay and has informed our Fulfillment Team.
- Please allow us an additional 3 business days to update you with your tracking number.
Still within 5 business days from the order date.
It’s still within 7 to 20 business or 10 to 25 business days.
- Here are some reasons why tracking information may not be available:
- It’s possible that the first scan of the package happens at a regional hub upon arrival near the final destination. This is especially common during times of high shipping activity, when packages are processed in bulk. Until that first scan is recorded, the carrier may not confirm receipt of the package.
- You may not see the first scan of your package until it reaches its destination.
- There may be a delay in updates to the tracking database.
- Some shipments, such as Standard International shipments, aren't trackable. Rest assured that your package will arrive on or before the 20th or 25th business day.
Beyond 20 (for US) or 25 (for International) business days.
- If it has been 20 or 25 business days without any change in your tracking information, kindly allow an additional 5 business days for delivery. Typically, packages are received on or shortly following the 20th or 25th business day.
Beyond 30 (for US) or 35 (for International) business days.
- As a small business, our utmost desire is to keep our customers and patrons from worrying about their orders. We assure our customers, who are vital to our success, that our dedicated Team is closely overseeing these delays and has taken the necessary steps to escalate the situation to the Fulfillment Manager for prompt resolution.
- We would like to humbly ask that you allow and give us a chance to investigate and we will be in touch through email within 2 to 5 business days.
- Here are some reasons why tracking information may not be available:
How are shipping and delivery dates calculated?
- We calculate delivery estimates by adding the transit time to the estimated shipping date.
- Your chosen shipping speed influences the transit time. We calculate transit time using business days, generally not counting weekends unless a weekend delivery option is selected at checkout. We also factor in holidays when calculating transit time.
- We may offer an "order within" countdown timer for select delivery dates. This timer illustrates the time frame in which you must place your order to achieve delivery by the shown date. Keep in mind that this date may change before you submit your order. Your confirmation email will include your guaranteed delivery date.
- For Free Shipping, your order is likely to arrive in a timeframe of 7 to 25 business days. We focus on processing and shipping your order in the most budget-friendly manner to facilitate free shipping. If your items have not yet shipped, there's no reason to fret. We might take longer than you expect to dispatch your order, but it will still arrive within 7 to 25 business days.
Expedited Shipping
- For us to provide you with the most affordable item, we seldom offer expedited shipping.
- If it is available on the Shipping/Checkout page, the delivery is within 7 to 15 business days for US and 10 to 20 business days for International Shipping.
If you require further assistance, submit a ticket here. We will respond within 48 hours.